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Nov 7th, 2023
So, I just managed to finish the story of Chibi-Robo (the original gamecube game). My conclusion?

You need to play this game right the fuck now.
Chibi-Robo! is an adventure platformer where you're a little robot made to clean and help take care of the house, earning "happy points" for collecting trash, cleaning spots, finding items, among many things.
Not gonna dive too deep into the gameplay and story itself here, cause I'll likely make a shrine for it and don't wanna just Repeat Myself later on. Though I'd recommend only really looking up gameplay of the first night or so, as IMO the game is best played without much in the way of spoilers. Though, admittedly, you may need a guide for several quest points as they can be a bit obtuse in that "2005 game" way, but they're not too obtuse to be completely impossible.
I'm desperately hoping this game gets a switch port, or nintendo online gamecube emulator support, or SOMETHING, because it's a beautiful and endearing game that I believe only really fell short through being late in the release life of one of the least selling nintendo consoles with little advertisement for it. Everything really was against it and I dearly wish it wasn't so.
If they DO bring it back in a remake or something, I would honestly be perfectly fine with (or even prefer!) if they just. Kept the gamecube look of it. The artstyle and personality this game was like made in a lab for me to love it. The art style reminds me of games like Okami (mainly in terms of people), Katamari Damacy, and Chulip, with the blocky heavily stylized people and fun designs and colors.
I wanna try the other games in the series later, though gonna have to look for an english translation of the japan-only DS release. Even willing to try out Ziplash, despite that game only being related to Chibi-Robo by protagonist only. It did at least give us an adorable Chibi-Robo amiibo! Definitely planning on getting one at some point. To my limited knowledge thats the only official Chibi-Robo merch there is? People have made some adorable ass charms as well.
In not-Chibi-Robo related news, I've forcefully changed out my bed and rearranged my room. It was extremely unpleasant (I have a lot of tiny stuff in my room) but finally I'm DONE. There's a lot more space now, what with the footprint of the new bed being smaller, a shelf I no longer use is gone, and a shelf I DID use is actually now hung on the wall rather than the floor. I've got enough floor space I could, like, do things now on it! Gotta say I do really enjoy this new space, even if the journey to getting this sucked major ass.
The new bed currently is very tough, dense, and not at all soft, despite being memory foam I think? Which is about the worst possible type of mattress I could have! All my limbs and spine are aching this is hell. I'm hoping I can manage to break this bed in before it breaks me. At very least if getting a like plush mattress topper will ease the pain of this thing.
The frame it's sitting on is an electric adjustable bed thing, hand-me-down from my mom's bed, and it just seems. Very unnecessary. Do like how I can plug things into it to charge, but like the most amount of features Im gonna use is the floor light, maybe adjusting the head up slightly, and nothing else. The vibration is just weird and doesn't even feel comfortable, I find no need in having to raise it up to sit on it more like a couch cause. Propping up pillows does the exact same thing without the potential of fucking up motors, and is also more comfortable still, and overall is something I lived without before and can easily live without currently.
Plus I'm STILL pissed how there was literally no asking of my opinion for ANY of this despite the fact the only person in the end it effects is ME. Cause if I had ANY say in this we could've saved both our time and money NOT doing all this stupid shit for frankly very little. While in the end I do enjoy the more spacious room and the opportunity to clean up and get rid of some things I needed to, my old bed fit my needs way better than this newfangled shit and gave me far less pain. It wasn't broke, there was no need to "fix" it.
Like, the reason they did give me in replacing my bed was that if we moved (which is possibly Very Soon to next december, we don't know yet - long story short all landlords can go to hell) the waterbed would be a bitch to move yet again. That's understandable! I knew I probably wouldn't be able to keep it then! It was hell setting it up at this house and I didn't expect to do it again! But like... why would you change out the beds RIGHT NOW when at this Very Moment we are not moving. Why would we go through that effort of tossing a bed out and setting up a new one with the worst case scenario is we'd have to dismantle and reassemble the bed in six weeks later. Like... do you see what I mean? What's the fucking point? Why also wouldn't I want to max out my time with something when it isn't broken? It's wasteful as hell to me.
Much in the same reasoning that I still havent used my newer drawing tablet (that I did not want and yet got anyways), because my old one works perfectly fine? It's not broken? They even use the exact same drivers???

Anyways, here's two pictures of Gertrude enjoying my bed more than me