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October 5th, 2024

It's my birthday month~

Can you tell how college is going since I've not touched this site much since starting? Lmao

I'm enjoying my classes pretty well, some more than others. Holding steady on grades so far!!!! Big improvement from high school - I'm actually doing my homework! But god damn I feel like I don't have free time. I mean, I do, but every weekend + Friday is just me doing homework that's due either Sunday or Monday, or even Saturday and Friday -.-

Classes themselves are easy enough. Monday/Wednesday I only have one class, creative writing, which is the most mixed-feeling class I've got right now. There's assignments that are summarizing chapters of the textbooks, which isn't hard but they're tedious and the books really are just saying the same shit over and over again. I like the opportunity to actually sit my ass down and write something! There's the issue of only writing 2 pages at a time on this story I've got though, and it's far more "rushed" feeling than I like, but at this point I'm taking it as a draft to just. Get the story down, and work on expanding it further later. I'll probably put it up here at some point once I'm done with the inital draft! It's a story I made specifically for the class, though I've already gotten real attached to it lmao. Later I'll put profiles on the oc repo hopefully. Getting really nice feedback from the workshops we're doing in class! I've not written much that wasn't roleplaying with friends so I've been doubtful of my abilites, but so far I've gotten really nice and very helpful feedback :]

I'm hoping writing will be a hobby I stick with after this class.

My other classes are on Tuesday/Thursday, and involve two different night classes. The worst part about those is honestly getting to them on time lmao. The whole day is kinda packed, especially since I keep taking naps between my day classes and night class lol, but otherwise are cool. The combo of Oceanography and Biology is kind of a pain in the as for the amount of homework given to me, but that's the exchange for not having a math class this semester lmao. It's not hard, just takes forever to do. Kindaaa a little worried about my history class, it's a lot of lecture and minimal homework, other than the 6 page research paper that'll be due at the end, so I'm nervous about the first exam. We'll see!

Speaking of exams, the biology exams suck assssssss. Not even in terms of difficulty, it's just a proctored online exam and it's hellllll to get working. I'm not putting that shit on my own computer, nor really have any space at home to take them, and thankfully the library has private study rooms you can use. But even then, like scanning the whole area and making sure the damn shit will work is frustrating. I hate knowing the entire time I'm being filmed. It sucks so bad, I'm glad that's the only class so far that's used it.

Anyways! It's been really nice getting out of the house and being productive in a way! Also talking to people LMAO. I've noticed I'm more talkative to my classmates than I was in high school, and I keep ending up being the person to participate in class the most, or at least one of the most. Of course my anxiety is not fixed by a long shot but it's so nice to not get so scared to just. say shit to people. At this point what the fuck ever if they think I'm weird and/or annoying. I am! It happens! Whatever! As long as I'm nice what's the fucking issue!!! It's great!!!

I don't know what caused the change exactly - maybe just being at home with my parents for far too long talking to people online vs IRL - but god I'm glad it happened lmao. There was the start of it back in 11th grade, I'd say, but then COVID happened and I was too busy trying to get through all that throughout 12th so that wasn't really on my mind at all. I guess this is the continuation of that? I dunno!

In other news, with the help of steam sales and actually having an inkling of money again, I got the games Roadwarden and Coromon recently!

I played the shit out of the demo for Coromon, and so far I haven't gotten farther in the game than the demo was, but it's such a good game and highly recommend either way. It's a creature collecter and battler, with some fantastic spritework all around, and really cute creature designs :] It's a little bit difficult! Nothing outrageous, but it definitely requires more grinding than like, Pokemon or such. Less over-leveling, and more exp gains are kinda slow. It's got a really cool system for basically their version of "shininess"! It's based on the potential of the coromon, which is like adjacent to IV's and EV's in Pokemon. The higher potential, the more assignable stat bonuses they can get. There's 3 "tiers", in which coromon with shit-to-mid potential have their regular color pallete, while good-to-great potenital has a different pallete, and the perfect potential has another color pallete. Something that they changed from the demo is that you can select which "skin" the coromon has! So if you have a perfect potential coromon, but hate the coloring on it, you can swap it with the potent or regular skin if you wanted! It's in tiers though, so a potent cannot look like a perfect, and normal can only be normal. There's other skins that you can get for some coromon using the currency of the daily login and mission things, but that and player cosmetic pieces all they're used for as far as I can tell, and about the worst of the mobile-game-y-ness that it has. It is on mobile, and can even transfer saves between different games if you had it on like, switch and steam. I do recommend it!! I've been eyeing it since the demo :]

And now... Roadwarden. I adore this game. It's a survival text adventure, where you are hired as the roadwarden with the task of exploring a peninsula, talking to the towns that live there, and trying to see if a trade route can be safely established between them and Hovlovan. It's set in a fantasy world, but in such a way that it doesn't end up feeling like it. It's got incredible world building, where everything feels very in-place and natural, and the writing itself is fantastic. You build your character from the ground up - the only details you can't change are that you are the roadwarden, you come from Hovlovan, and were hired with the task of seeing if trade is viable in the peninsula. You build your characetr through your actions and words, and can even influence what kind of a place Hovlovan is. There's no gender or visual options about your character, which is honestly a really good way to handle that, as your character is then only limited by your imagination. There's three classes to choose from, of a fighter class (good at fighting, comes witha crossbow, no magic), a mage (magic!! not great at physical fighting, but uses pneuma (magic) to fight and do things), and scholar (bad at fighting, good at alchemy and making potions. Has creative ways to avoid fights), which change how your character interacts with the world. On normal mode, you have 40 days to do as much as you can, before heading back to Hovlavan to report on the area. You get a myriad of quests you can complete, and trying to complete all of them in one run is very difficult, if not impossible. There is an easier, time-limit-less mode, and also a harder mode that gives you only 30 days! Choices and actions you take can influence your relationships to people and towns, and the whole tie you have to also balance your health, hunger, cleanliness, and I assume pneuma levels in mage runs. (I went with fighter class for my first run, second run I'm going as scholar). You can choose how to talk to people, forcefully, vulnerably, neutrally, funnily, or friendly. The spritework is incredible, even with largely being locations and inventory items, and it's just. I love this game. It's incredible. I really urge you to check it out if it sounds even vaguely intruiging. It really is an absolute gem of a game. Easily one of my new favorites.