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December 19th, 2023

Christmas, Just a Week Away!

Christmas in just a week! Woohoo!
Even though it really feels like it shouldnt be already lmao.
Joined a secret santa for bugsnax fans! I've finished my piece before the deadline, though there's some things I want to go back and touch up on before fully submitting it. Really really happy with it though!!
Also very excited to see what mine will be :]c
Been drawing a decent amount! Mainly warm up doodles of digimon before I went to go work on the secret santa piece. Funnily enough, those quick sketches seem to be gaining more traction on tumblr than the Airdramon piece that took two months. C'est la vie, especially on the internet. Thankfully I'm not very bothered by it, but it does sting just the smallest amount.
Also have been playing Fortnite quite a bit, surprisingly. My friends have been getting into it and I like doing things with them. It's such an odd game nowadays. Like, the "Battle Royale Shooter" aspect of it, that was like the main thing, is only one aspect among the fact it's like fucking Roblox now. There's custom maps. My friend and I spent 30 minutes messing around and gawking at a usermade Obby map, which was so unfitted to Fornite's physics it was kinda shit to play but just. The fact it exists. Astounding.
So far together we've only played the lego open world survival mode. Which it's like... kinda buggy but nothing totally horrible and honestly REALLY FUN? And it's... Lego Fortnite???? There's also a racing mode and a Fuser-like(?) mode I've yet to try, a rhythm game mode (which I have tried, it kinda sucks ass but I have played worse), and that's just the official ones outside of standard shooty royale I know. It's an enigma. I'm having a surprising amount of fun.
My baby sibling got sick, and is NOT handing it well. Throwing fits constantly because they feel bad. Had a fever (which thankfully has broken by now) but is suuuuper congested and snotty. Also got probably all the rest of us sick as well, I've got a sore throat as of current. We've gotten sick this past year. Last year as well I think? I can't remember; but I don't like how often we're coming up ill nowadays. I don't think I was this ill this often since like... elementary? Little worrying.
My parents made some saltdough ornaments. We're modpodging them today, some in gloss and some with matte. Painting the modpodge on I got a sense of longing for my 3d art class. Hoping to get a cheap desk or table for my room so I can have some space to make clay sculptures and paint and things on it! My current desk is covered in computers so I don't currently have the space to do any of that , and miss it dearly.