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Oct 18th, 2023

The weather's cooled down a lot, we got a coldfront coming through! It's still Warm especially during the middle of the day, but it's actually bearable to go outside in the late afternoons/early mornings which is REALLY nice. I've missed this weather.

My mom, sibling, and I went for a walk yesterday taking advantage of this better weather! We went to the library, renewed our cards and checked out some books. The library had only childrens cards left, so we got funny yellow cards with green turtle silhouettes on them. They said if we wanted an adult card we could trade in the childrens card for one when theyre back in stock, but like hell am I trading that in.

The two books I checked out were "Lost Horizon" by James Hilton, and "Cat crimes 1, 2, 3" which says "edited by Martin H Greenberg and Ed Gorman". So I uh, think it was written by one or both of them? It doesn't explicitly say on the cover and I'll look it up proper later.

It's been a while since I've sat down and just read a book, so I'm gonna start off with the smaller book in hopes I'll be able to finish at least ONE of them. I like reading! I would read a a lot in school, I just can't really get myself to just sit down an read often at all. Here's hoping I can slowly start changing that!

On the way back we stopped at Brewsters, and with the combined powers of Moms "BOGO deal coupon" and my "enough loose change and a 5$ bill" we got two regular waffle cones. They've got fall flavors out currently, so I absolutely had to have the caramel apple ice cream. My GOD was it delicious! It featured actual apple chunks and grahamn crackers, with caramel sauce mixed throughout vanilla ice cream. I don't think you could craft a better ice cream flavor to appeal to my tastes better than that haha.

Mom got strawberry cheesecake and double chocolate chunk, which is what she gets about every time we go nowadays. And like, fair enough!! I can't judge, most places I go I get the same few things. But there's holiday flavors and you're not gonna try one?! :[

(My sibling got spoonfuls off of both our cones lol)

It's been several years since I last walked like this outside in the neighboorhood, so the return trip started getting kinda really painful. My tennis shoes, despite being several years old now, are worn so little in favor of flip-flops that theyre still not fully broke in, and I should NOT have chose them to walk in for 5 miles. I know there's gonna be some level of aching from being so out of shape, but the straight pain in my hip sockets, ankles, and blisters are NOT a part of that. It wasn't the smartest idea to go the lengths in which we would walk years prior when we consistently were walking for the first time again, BUT I otherwise had a good time so it's not the end of the world.

I WAS apparently so haggard last night after coming back, that when I went to put the birds up to bed I forgot to close the lid when they were all inside. Everyone was fine, thankfully, but they weren't very happy about it. Oops.

The cat was apparently outside all last night as well, but I dont let the cat outside ESPECIALLY at night so that sure as hell wasn't me. She's also fine as well, but god.

The chickens have mites real bad, so I'm cleaning all their stuff out and putting medicine down to get rid of them from their box and themselves. Swept out a bunch of kicked out bedding too that's probably heavily contributing to the problem, hoping the mites clear up soon.

There's been a dog loose in the neighboorhood for... over a week now? It showed up the 6th in our back yard standing just outside our porch, scaring the shit out of our chickens (they were in their pen and it didn't LOOK like the dog was trying to attack them?) and our dachund ran out chasing and barking at it, scaring it off. It's a big dog, too. I can't tell dog breeds well, I just simply don't know many breeds, but it looked to be a black and white border collie? Seems to be a fairly young-adult dog, and it doesn't seem scraggy or anything so it might be someone's loose pet. It showed up again yesterday, thankfully not right outside our porch, but in the uncleared lot in our backyard sniffing around. It eventually wandered off, not really taking heed to me watching it from my porch with a shovel, but I could hear it scare the neighboors chickens walking by too.

I'm not certain it's aggressive, and I do lean heavily to it being a lost pet, but I'm not certain it's not aggressive, and I don't want to be the fool who got attacked by a loose dog trying to pet it.

I also got all of the Digital Monster Ver.20th ownable digimon sprites done! I just need to do the enemy-only digimon sprites and I will have the idle animations for all of them done >:]c

Thoughhh I downloaded the sprites ripped from the Vital Bracelet (/BE) so someone please stop me from repeating the same project again with thise sprites please please please. I need to Draw or Work On Something Else please

Speaking of the vital bracelet, I've been craving the BE since I saw the announcement of the BE memory card with Hawkmon, especially with the weather cooling down and I won't (hopefully) be sitting on my ass as much with it....

Zenin cirrently has the BE 25th anniversary that has the Digital Monster-like sprites for everyone for about 80$USD and oughhh I want it but I don't have that kinda moneyyyyy

And that's not even factoring in the probably cost of the 2pack Armadimon/Hawkmon BE memory thing will cost probably like 30-40$ USD and THATS not even factoring the Dorumon/Ryudamon ones I would ALSO like to have that would ALSO probably be ANOTHER 30-40$ and BOTH of those would probably skyrocket in price AFTER preorders because the economy is in shambles and-

So basically what I'm saying is that I should really strive to make some ref sheet bases/coloring pages/emotes/what have you to put for sale on kofi and maybe start commissions if I feel I'm up to the task. Which I keep saying I'll do but I do REALLY need to do it.