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very WIP-heavy rn

Fursona: Oko | Oko (Digimon Ver.) | Oko (Pokemon Ver.) |

Zuby: Zuby | Zuby Gijinka |

My Partner Digimon: Avi | Gen | Senti-Elemental Evolution |


In the Otherworld: Haywire | Lyonel | Hoover | Harax | Mogera | Anima | Demi-Deagonals | Kleosaethyr | True Deagonals |

The Chernobyl Project: Alex | Chernobyl | Paisley | Baxter | Sydney | William | Roscoe | Cliffhunters | Canimoeba |

Prime Memory: Prime Group | Torrance Marr | Basher | Obie Duenas | Sir Fluffykins | Hal Rivera | Exo | Kit Rivera | Soup | Finley Budd | Gilligan | Leena Watson | Georgie | Wessel Villa | Bitty | Luc Suarez | Mac | Chaosmon | Memory Group | Ellie Mejia | Arlin | Ronan Mejia | Yuki | Cyrus Ajax-Rumi | Mumu | Keir Serris | Dolores | Lucius Smith | Chuck | Svana Hope | Starla | Kayleigh May | Splashie | Fran Volk | Rufio | Crests | Boons | D-NOK | Talia | Babamon | Jijimon | Quantumon | Rocky | Battle Club |

Fishcats: Felix | Goober | Juniper |

Alien Invitation: Mizu | Arley | Maude | Vinno | Binge |

The Magithieves: Ametrine | Adventurine | Carmelian | Larimar |

Constant Revolution: Dawnsk | Tonga |

Polycule: Swap | Azalea | Scoops |

Darius/Fizz Story: Darius Greer | Fizz | Jill Bonnie Finch |

Other OCs: Bramble | Hyro | Maximus Bullwinkle | Penelope | Quinn and Wes | Ray D. Atyon | Farrah | Lthoin | Tyvring | L0G0Z |

Fandom OCs

Pokemon: Clam | Chowder | Stipple | Chevron | Princely | Starburst | Panini | Zoruchic | Blazioark | Zoropawn | Zorosharp | Hoopnette | Dewey Heustrum | Rina Aira | Fergus Wiggins |

Eevee City (ARPG): Big Redd | The Terror | Wilhelmna | Teddy | Felicity | Keris |

Fusions: War Armarougemon | Metal Ceruruledgmon | Lopveemon | Terrieveemon |

Digimon: Claire | Peaches | Gaz | Sam | Voltaire | Sylvester Gallagher | Midi | Tiff | Shin | Cyber Sleuth | Angus | Bailey | Flu | Geo | Miles | Rocket Ace | Stinky | Targe | Willow | Hacker's Memory | Cogtog | EXE | Firewall | SysAdmin | Torrent | Zip |

Bugsnax: Jubi Jellifree |

Wildermyth: Ayrula Tarlton | Cat McKitty (Wildermyth) | Jainshae Twiner | Stoker Tarlton | Mew Calderlee | Rotmoth | Chass Ashenleaguer | Drig | Hamander Snowladle | Ranse | Sean Chuck | Ursi | Daygo Short | Elmitha Half |

Of Loathing: Cat McKitty | Dougie Doggard |

Warrior Cats: Weaselnut | Brindlecry | Sheeppaw |

My Little Pony: Foxtrot |

Pikmin: Circuit |