Stoker Tarlton

Stoker Tarlton

Icon of Haywire

"The Aloof Romantic"
Pronouns They/He
Class Warrior
Hooks Lucky
Partner Chass Ashenleaguer
Children Ayrula Tarlton
Pet Critter
Transformations Scorpoid (Mech)
• Scorpion Tail
Stormtouched (Bound)
• Stormgaze
• Storm Arm (R)
• Storm Leg (L)
Crowtouched (Magefeather)
• Crow Wings
• Crow Leg (R)

The Story of Stoker Tarlton

"The fishers fasted a whole day after the birth of Stoker. So had they always done for each child born, and each child born was blessed with health and good humor. Always, there was a moon under which to promise the most impossible things. They gave breath to their soul's fantasies in the silver seclusion of night. Somehow, they knew they were doomed to a life of fame. They had a face for portraits."

Stoker's Adventure

"They lived a long time beneath a curse, shedding it only to loose its vicious caster upon the world. The exchange would never sit well with them."

"Wind in their wings, the dream was of wandering. A quest without end. One night, in an abandoned shed, in a rainstorm, they met a crow woman, and the dream came true. All the journeys afterwards felt more certain."

"Stoker gained power from a goatherd's ancient Stormwell."

"Growing increasingly troubled by their dreams, they fixed upon one that seemed to offer a destination. And so they crossed wilderness, came to a cottage where a dreaming sage lived. The sage's generosity eased their mind, and they were able to sleep again, undisturbed."

"They once bet someone they could set off in one random direction and find a magical treasure. Wildly, they won, and their legendary luck would everafter be the subject of song."

"On a night like any other, Frelora the Dreamchanter strolled into camp. A singer and storyteller Stoker had always admired, the night's memory stayed warm in their gut all the long songless nights after."

"Stoker is a Mythwalker"

Stoker's Legacy

Fought Gorgons with "Moth's Light"

Fought Drauven with "The Hounds of Plenty"

Fought Gorgons with "The Beasts of Music"

Fought Deepists with "The Hilt of Light"

Fought Drauven with "The Kids of the Stolen Fortitude"

Fought Deepists with "The Cranes of the Sword"

Fought Deepists with "The Pupils of Epoch"

Monsters Killed: 365


Edited Wildermyth Character Image Export

Wildermyth Card Export


