Daygo Short

Daygo Short

Icon of Haywire

"The Hotheaded Loner"
Pronouns He/Him
Class Warrior
Hooks Gritty
Partner None
Family Etheruen Short - Sister
Pet None
Transformations Mortificial Enhancements
• Morthagi Leg (L)
Scorpoid (Spiky)
• Scorpion Tail
Skeletal (Wrapped)
• Skull Head
• Skeletal Body
• Skeletal Arm (L)
• Skeletal Arm (R)
• Skeletal Leg (R)

The Story of Daygo Short

"Born to parents who soon abandoned him, Daygo was raised by his canny older sister, Etheruen Short, with the help of an elder woodsman who died when the two were still young. Growing into adulthood, they traveled and took odd jobs, and tangled with disreputable folks wherever they went. Life made them tough, but Daygo couldn’t be grateful. Not for a long time. In truth, an abiding anger at the parents who left him would stay, all his life. At their last stop, they wound up reluctant members of the Marshcastle Gang, bandits leeching food and coins from local hillfolk. Ayrula Tarlton and Drig dismantled the operation. Hearing those two speak, Daygo was inspired to take the next step and be someone "

Daygo's Adventures

"He became the home of a tortured black spirit, when the Witchstone's appetite went unsated."

"Daygo ended up with a peg-leg after losing his left foot."

"His lost leg was replaced by a long forgotten clockwork Enchanger, making him part Morthagi." [1]

"Burdened with the Oath of Oldwane, an ancient dagger filled with cloying and malevolent influence, he decided to use the power of the dagger for the good of others. Though he remained himself, the dagger would slowly corrupt and twist him over the years, estranging those who loved him and turning his body into a new and awful shape."

"By the time the Oldwane Dagger's work was done, the heart no longer recognized Daygo, or the man he used to be."

"Daygo is a Local Legend"

Daygo's Legacy

Fought Deepists with "The Hilt of Light"

Fought Thrixl with "The Troop of the Mad Vision"

Monsters Killed: 97


Edited Wildermyth Character Image Export

Wildermyth Card Export



[1] The game originally said "arm" instead of "leg", despite that he only had a lost leg.