

Icon of Haywire

"The Snarky Coward"
Pronouns He/They
Class Warrior
Hooks Potential
Partner None
Pet Pinecone
Transformations Crowtouched (Saurian)
• Crow Head
• Crow Wings
• Crow Leg (L)
• Crow Tail

The Story of Baladock

"Son of the finest smith in Hawkmull, Baladock showed an aptitude for the craft, but dreamed of a higher calling. A twitch fluttered his left eye when he gazed on objects of power. In a cloud, he once saw a future with children's laughter and argument falling out the windows of a family home. He strove ever to solidify this vision."

Baladock's Adventures

"Witnessed a shadowy giant pass among the misted pines of Barusa Levels."

"Baladock ended up with a peg-leg after losing his left foot."

"Once, when a friend of his lost someone dear, Baladock chose to help that friend cross into a goddess's realm where the two could live again, reunited. Ever since, he's treated stories of gods with greater reverence, and wondered how much he'd sacrifice to stay with the ones he loves, or may someday."

"Showing scorn to a wandering crow woman, Baladock was given a crow's face to wear. In the years after, he would sometimes claim he was cursed, that night. But in many ways, he would begin to think he was embraced. Shown his true self."

"He once attempted to bind a Lostling from the darknesses in which they wander. Everyone was disappointed. Even the Lostling."

"Baladock is a Fabled Adventurer"

Baladock's Legacy

Fought Deepists with "The Pupils of Epoch"

Fought Trixl with "The Troop of the Mad Vision"

Monsters Killed: 113


very loose sketch of pose practice using baladock

Baladock pose Practice - 2025

Edited Wildermyth Character Image Export

Wildermyth Card Export


