Cat McKitty

Icon of Cat McKitty

Icon of Cat McKitty
Pronouns She/They
Class Snake-Oiler
Parders Crazy Pete
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Bill

A wild card of the wild west, Cat travels the land taking any ol' odd-job and quest thrown at her, with no regards of allegiance or morals. Her answer to solve every problem usually begins and ends with violence.

She specializes in gunslinging, and focuses mainly on poisoning her enemies en-mass.

She became intrigued with El Vibrato technology, after discovering a teleporter in an abandoned mineshaft. One of the few people she respects, other than her parder Crazy Pete, is the Perfessor, for his ability and knowledge on El Vibrato. She became fluent in the El Vibrato language.


Black and white icon of Cat McKitty

Cat McKitty Icon

A stickfigure character with a smiling black hat, cape, and wielding a gun.

Cat McKitty stickfigure drawover - 2023


